INDIA A march for land access (2012)
Jansatyagraha 2012: a march for land access
In India, in 2007, 25,000 people were mobilized during the Janadesh march (watch the video) in order to put pressure on the Indian government to take into consideration the problems of land access, the violation of Human Rights and the environmental degradation (land, water, forest) in India.
The promises made by the Indian government have not been respected. Therefore, to continue their fight, Ekta Parishad has organized the first year-long march, starting on the 2nd of October 2011, which will culminate in the Jansatyagraha, the march for Justice.
A total of 100 000 farmers without land who will march as they did in 2007 through the streets of India in October 2012 to have their demands met! They ask for: the possibility to cultivate a parcel of land, the right to live in their forests and to live decently from the natural resources.
International support
International support has been gaining. In the cross-hairs, a common goal: mobilize people around the Jansatyagaraha march 2012.
Around the world, many initiatives will take place in Nepal, Kenya, Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, etc. To consult the list of events click here.
In Europe, the European branch of the Ekta Parishad movement, Ekta Europe, organized in September 2011 an international conference on the right to land and natural resource access.
In France, a collective support has been provided by many associations. The events will take place throughout the year and in different parts of the country: marches, exhibitions, and meals for solidarity.
Do you want to participate?
Contact us; let us know about your projects. Find all the different projects and contact information here.
To make the voices of those without land heard by the Indian Prime-Minister and to push him to put in place a real agrarian reform, become involved now:
An epic march of justice across India begins from Ekta Parishad on Vimeo
This march is a national mobilization of one year, which will turn into the Jan Satyagraha March. Rajagopal and about twenty other Ekta Parishad workers will travel to 350 districts from the South to the North of India throughout the year (from October 2011 to September 2012), covering 80,000 km.
Throughout this journey, the march will carry the message of non-violence and the right to land access. It will be the opportunity for Ekta Parished to meet and collaborate with many marginalized communities and to mobilize them for the final action: the Jan Satyagraha March.
The Samwad Yatra will leave from the South of India, Kanyakumari, and will travel throughout the whole country to arrive in the North, in Kashmir, and finally end at Gwalior, a few days before the beginning of the Jan Satyagraha march.
Find a summary of the march and the journey of its leader, Rajagopal, here, or directly on Facebook.