EQUATEUR : project Sumak Kawsay, the better living (2011-2013)

Promotion of the project "Sumak Kawsay", an alternative to the local developement of the Quechuas communities


Place of the project: Chimborazo province

Time Period: 3 years (2011-2013)

Goal: Support the "Sumak Kawsay" (the better-living) politics and the autonomy government of the Chimborazo.

Issues: Contribute the "buen vivir" thanks the agriculture and formation of leaders.

Beneficiaries: 14 753 habitants (45 communities of the parish Flores and 25 of the parish Tixan) including 89.9% are quechuas, of the Puruha nation, and live principaly from activities agropastoral with small scale in rural area.

Leading actions:

  • Improve the participation of organizations
  • Contribute to capacity building as well as technical and administrative capacities through project participation, budget elaboration and action plans from the Sumak Kawsay plans, with a special focus on Women training.
  • Articulate interventions and institutional ressources with the Sumak Kawsay plans.
  • Support social initiatives’ development, solidar and local economy with a focus on Gender egality.


In 2008, equatorian constitution approved the Sumak Kawsay ("better-living" in Quechua), overpassing the traditional objective of economic growth to obtain the search for a new lifestyle, based on human harmony and environmental respect.

Our partner: the CEDIS (Centro de desarrollo, difusión e investigación social)